
One of the things that really came out of 2014 was the need to start planning how you are truly engaging with your Community’s…..

But wait……there was one big problem……no one knew what to do with communities and how to make then work!

This was really strange as every company already has TWO Community’s in place without knowing this – yet still companies could grasp the way this was working.

Thus, as 2014 came to a close, the companies knew they had to embrace but most often, they found themselves being held back by their Credit Control, Customer Service, Marketing, PR and Sales departments.

The heads of these departments held their only little “silo” tight and close to their chest as they felt that working with other departments could mean they would lose their job as the departments merged together! How so-narrow minded and short term focused!

So, with 2015 giving them the opportunity to really move forward, what happened….. NOTHING!!

And now we are in 2016 – the same is still happening and they are holding your company back!


Because these departments heads are still protecting their “silos” yet now companies are starting to roll out Customer First and thus, now the tide is turning but are you are you ready for this change……

Over the next few pages, we will now bring you forward by helping you to play catch up to where you should have been in 2014!

Want to understand what makes up Community and what you need to think about,then let’s start here and now…….


Should you want to learn about how we can help your company with your Community Strategy and Implementation, please complete the form below:-

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