Brand Advocates / Brand Ambassadors

Brand Advocates? Brand Ambassadors?

Who? What? Why?

These are two key channels that you are wanting to implement ASAP as like your Internal Community, are a key part of your Company message which can be broken down in to two parts:-

Brand Advocates – this is a huge massive channel which is over-looked each and every day by virtually every single company! Whether this be on say Facebook, Instagram, Twitter for example, people will be talking about your products, services and in some case sharing photos too!

So, when people are sharing this, you need to reach out to them and thank them for mentioning your company, product or service and if needed/required, engage with them.

The next part is down to you, but I would recommend making a note of this person and recording it on your CRM system (which will also mean other people in your company will see this and be able to add to it if they see something). Thus, if they are really positive and through your recording, you notice that they are promoting or endorsing company, product/s or services a lot, then you reach out to them and send them a thank you gift (in the world of Digital/Social – this is known as SWAG!) as an acknowledgement of what they have done.


Simple, their praise via their Social Channels is them “Social Selling” your company to their family, friends and audience – this is today’s modern version/update of “Referral Marketing” – your unpaid but hugely successful Sales Channel!

An example of this for you, is that we recommend and promote Microsoft Products as we believe they offer so much and last year, due to us sharing helping someone via Twitter who was having a problem with Skype, Skype sent us through a SWAG Bag to say thank you for helping and being positive about their brand/product.

Brand Ambassadors – this is in a way a two solution channel to market for your company. This could either be a paid or un-paid option but is one where you get constant good and bad comments/feedback on your company, products or services.

These people are one’s where you send them your products to try, use and test and give you feedback but this feedback could either be publically or privately. Also, if these people are promoting your services, you provide them with referral/affiliate links or discount codes to share with their audience (which they could be rewarded with via points to purchase items through you or a financial payment).

This could be previously be aligned to what was called Product Placement/Endorsement but in today’s world of Digital/Social, this is known as being a Brand Ambassador.


So, having these two channels within your Community is a huge extra Sales Channel for your company and costing you a lot less especially as they have something your Sales Channel doesn’t…..

They have Social Selling tools as their family, friends and audience will listen to their advice over any Sales message you promote……


So, the next stage for you is to jump through to Internal Community here

but before you jump through to Internal Community, don’t forget this………

To learn more about Brand Advocates/Brand Ambassadors, please complete the form below and let’s arrange to see how we can help you implement Brand Advocates/Brand Ambassadors into your company…….

To go back to the Communites Page – please click here

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